Get Rooted and other Legislative Information

Advocacy Issues

Texas dentists cannot be a silent partner in decisions that affect your business, your practice, and your profession. Political involvement is good business. Membership in the Texas Dental Association helps us work for legislation that helps you. Click HERE to read about TDA’s accomplishments this legislative session.

Texas Legislature

The Texas Legislature is a bicameral system divided into two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their duties are to pass all laws governing the state and submit all constitutional amendments to the voters of Texas. The Texas Legislature convenes in Austin for a regular session every 2 years on odd numbered years. A regular session is 140 days. The Governor may call additional 30-day sessions (special sessions) as he or she deems necessary. At such sessions, the legislature may consider only the subjects submitted by the Governor.

Real Time Bill Tracker

During the 88th Texas Legislature, stay on top of the issues facing Texas dentistry. TDA tracks and monitors all bills related to the dental profession.

Want to track bills in real time? Just for our members, TDA created an online bill tracking service with Texas Legislature Online. Simply click the GET TRACKING link below and enter the provided email and password. Scroll through the list to find the bill number or bill description you wish to view and click "Run." Toggle back from "Bill List Result" to "Bill List" with the convenient tabs located at the top of the page.

Password: denpac1967

Get Rooted

The Root includes current happenings at state capitol, timely legislative updates, dental board news, regulatory reminders, and other important legislative information. 

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 76 - January 28 - March 3, 2025)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 75 - January 21-27, 2025)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 74 - January 14-20, 2025)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 73 - Sine Die)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 72 - May 1-15, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 71 - Apr. 17-May 1, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 70 - Apr. 1-17, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 69 - Mar. 20-31, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 68 - Feb. 27-Mar. 17, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 67 - Feb. 6-24, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 66 - Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2023)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 65 - Sine Die)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 64 - May 17-21, 2021)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 63 - April 26-30, 2021)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 62 - April 19-23, 2021)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 61 - April 12-16, 2021)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 60 - March 29-April 2, 2021)

The Root (Web Edition)
(Issue 59 - March 22-26, 2021)

The Root
(Issue 58 - March 1-5, 2021)

The Root
(Issue 57 - February 2021)

The Root
(January 2021)

The Root
(November 2020)

The Root
(Issue 54 - Summer 2020)

Voter View

The Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s Office is responsible for administering the Texas Election Code, which governs all elections in Texas, as well as, voting systems, candidates, and political parties. Check out VOTETEXAS.GOV — a one stop shop on voting in Texas!

Legislative Links

Who Represents Me?

Want to know who your elected officials are? Click the link below and simply enter your home address to find information on current districts.

Who Represents Me?